Saturday, February 16, 2013

mysql clustering basics

#ndbcluseter engine is coming with mysql server inside mysql cluster

#pushes data to n/w to processes called datanodes and not stores anything on mysql servers

# create table........ENGINE=NDBCluster;

# Engine NDBCluster ...does it in your n/w

# mysqlserver ------->TCP/Ip-------->Datanodes(data lives here)$$$$most imp part of mysql-cluster

# innodb tables data and myisam data is still going to mysql server

# datanodes are ndbd processes-------like mysqd processes ----one m/c can have more than one datanode i.e more than one ndbd processes

#how records of table going to be store

#new entry-----> application---->mysql server(use ndbcluster engine)----->data nodes

#magic happens in data nodes supose we having two datanodes
*************data stores redundantly
*************stores two time to make sure data is available if somethngs happens n1....>>>>>>.....<<<<<<....n2

#datanodes tell mysql server that thesese are ready

# ndbcluster engine is transactional

#many mysql servers can access the data from data nodes at same time.

#how datanodes are storing the data>>>>?????

partionaing and replicas

#1#-----------partition 1---------->>>>>> Datanode 1(id-1)-------->>>>make replica of partion 1 to Datanode 2(id-2)
as whole it is node gooup
#5#-----------partition 2------->>>>>>>>>>> Datanode 2(id-2)--------->>>make replica of partion 2 to Datanode 1(id-1)
no of partions = no of datanodes
hashing mechanism

if we have more than one node group remember that each gp has have data that is half of one gp and half in other

#if one partener in gp goes down other takes it responsibilty

# cluster confgiguration contains ipadress

# load is eqaly divided amongst datanodes

#when one gp goes down clustering ends



1 sqlnodes ======== MYSQL SERVER

2 data nodes

3 management node ----------------holds configuration-----every other node on cluster needs it-------1st thing to be started
--------------------monitoring logs
4 API------sql nodes are API nodes but otherwise is not mandatory

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